Cephalotus follicularis BE-3563

Regular price $49.00 Sale

From a single selected clone out of Microprop.

This outstanding species is a unique part of any collection. They can tolerate temps up to 100 degrees F in the summer and light frosts in the winter. 

Cephalotus follicularis is commonly known as the Australian Pitcher Plant, or Albany Pitcher Plant and is the only species in it’s genus. It’s very compact and when grown well, is stunning, forming masses of rosettes of moccasin shaped traps, typically between 1cm and 5cm (½ ” – 2”) in size depending upon age and growing conditions. The traps are green when juvenile, but can turn burgundy to dark maroon when mature and grown in high light levels. The hoods are thick and cup-shaped and have translucent windows. The lids are frequently adorned with red and white stripes". The mouths of the pitchers are lined with toothy looking ribs that are often maroon or blackish in color. 

Its natural habitat is coastal, damp, peat/sandy heathland. 

We have been growing ours in pure perlite or perlite and stratum, in a water tray with about 1-2” of water depending on pot depth. 

The specimen you choose is the one you will receive. Will be shipped potted.